Twenty Five Twenty One follows five friends who strive to pursue their dreams and navigate early adulthood in the bleak aftermath of the 1997 Asian financial crisis (known as the “IMF Crisis” in South Korea)
Here are some Twenty-Five Twenty-One Kdrama Wallpapers of high quality that you can download on your computer by right-clicking the image and clicking on ‘Save Image As’ option.
Here are some high-quality Twenty-Five Twenty-One Kdrama Wallpapers that you can download and set directly as your phone’s lockscreen or homescreen wallpaper. For this, you have to download the Android app.
Twenty Five Twenty One is a good story about coming of age, but it’s also a lot of fun and not too serious for most of the story. For every scene that makes you cry, there’s another one that makes you laugh out loud or says something silly.
Setting the story in the world of fencing was a unique and very effective choice that added tension throughout and showed how the main characters’ relationships with each other changed as the story went on.
The show built up so much goodwill that this strange diversion couldn’t use up all of it. Still, there’s no doubt that it ruins the ending of the show, which could have been a heartbreaking moment.