The television show is a supernatural fantasy romance that tells the story of a hotel that only serves ghosts, as well as the relationship between the hotel’s manager, a man who can see ghosts, and the hotel’s owner, a ghost that has lived for hundreds of years.
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Here are some high-quality Hotel Del Luna Kdrama Wallpapers that you can download and set directly as your phone’s lockscreen or homescreen wallpaper. For this, you have to download the Android app.
The drama has a stellar cast, highlighted by Lee Ji-eun (IU) and Yeo Jin-goo, who both portray their characters with authority. In particular, Lee Ji-eun impresses as the spectral hotel proprietor, giving her character a blend of fragility and tenacity.
The story is compelling and well-written, keeping the audience on the edge of their seat. The mystical components heighten the mystery and interest of the narrative, and the romance is handled with wisdom and maturity.